About Our Company
1. What is GUILINCHINA.NET and what's its mission?
GUILINCHINA.NET is one of the online service platforms of CHINA HIGHLIGHTS INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE CO.,LTD. It focuses on travel services to those wishing to visit Guilin and other cities of China. Guilinchina provides professional, person-to-person, customized travel services to any individual, family or organization. Our China experts are trying hard to offer Reliability, Flexibility and Unbeatable Prices.
3. How do I know it's not a Virtual company but a legitimate licensed tour company?
Please check CNTA(China National Tourist Administration)'s record of our legitimate status:
4. Can I get any authoritative proof to know that you are not a virtual company but a legitimate company?
Yes, of course you can.
1) You can visit the web site of CHINA NATIONAL TOURIST ADMINISTRATION (English version:
2) You can find us by making a search at: //en.cnta.gov.cn/TravelInChina/Forms/TravelInChina/TravelAgencies.aspx?Area=GuangSi
Please note we are located in GuangxiProvince; just choose Guangxi in the drop-down menu, then Search?. Our company will show in the first cell of the result table. The name is CHINA HIGHLIGHTS INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE CO.,LTD. CITS is the abbreviation. The company data will be available when you click on the name.
5. What is the quality guarantee for a guest traveling with Guilinchina?
The governing body for the travel industry in China is The China Tourist Administration (CTA). It is a requirement of this body that we place RMB 1,600,000 (US$200,000) on deposit with this the CTA. This fund can be used by the CTA to settle any dispute between Chinahighlights and our customers in the event that such disputes cannot be settled between the parties.
Please click here to read the information sheet for the CTA.
Our membership ID : 621
Click here to see our company information from OfficialPata web site.
On Pata web site, click "Members and Industy" then click "Members directory", > than click "G" (because we registered our name when founded as Guilin CITS"), > Browse down, we are listed on no. 50 at time year 2002, June 3rd. (this maybe changed by time due to more members will be listed)
7. What is the business registration number for CHINA HIGHLIGHTS INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE CO.,LTD?
8. What is our bank account?
Our bank information (For clients from outside of China):
US$ Bank account
Address: China Highlights/ Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, China 541004
Phone: 86-773-2831999 (for all countries)
Bank Name: Bank of Communications Guilin Branch
Bank Address: 8 Nanhuan Road, Guilin, Guangxi, P.R.China
Acct#: 453801000018010106940
SWIFT NUMBER: COMMCNSHGLN (Please use this if your bank requires ID or Beneficiary Bank, Routing)
CNAPS Number: 301617000010 (necessary if the wire transfer is in Chinese currency/CNY)
Branch Number: 301617000028
Post Code: 541002
ABA Number: 026-012-629
Please contact us if you require bank details for our RMB account or HK$ account,
9. What Information do you need in order to refund me?
In order to make the refund to your credit card, we need you to confirm the following information:
1. Credit card type:
2. Credit card number: There is no need to give the credit number here if it is the same as the one that we have charged originally.
3. Issuing Bank.
4. The address of the bank.
5. Credit card holders name:
6. Billing address:
10. I have confirmed my order with you and agreed to pay the cost by submitting my credit card to you, but I noticed that my credit card has not been billed for the deposit as we have agreed. Is this the correct procedure?
After we have jointly completed your itinerary and your trip has been booked our billing department will submit your payment guarantee to the Bank of China in Guilin for payment. The local bank will then mail or fax this to the Bank of China in Hong Kong. The Bank of ChinaHong Kong will request payment form your bank or credit card company. The money will then be remitted in the opposite direction. This whole procedure will often take 2-3 weeks and therefore the charge may not reach your credit card for sometime. If you are concerned please contact your travel advisor.
11. What is your payment policy?
Please click here to know more about payment policy
12. What is your Cancellation Policy?
Please click here to know more about cancellation policy
Got questions? Ask us here!

Sally Guo
Travel Advisor